Exam Prep

AI-Powered Exam Prep for standardised exams

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High School Certificate



Victorian Certificate of Education



Queensland Certificate of Education


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40,000+ syllabus-aligned questions to help you practise

More questions are added each week!


Exam-focused revision tool

Practise with curriculum-aligned questions to be sure to focus on the relevant concepts and material.


Every answer explained

Learn from explanations and get 24/7 in-app support from a real tutor with Zookal Homework Help.

Get instant, personalised feedback on written answers

See where you stand with detailed feedback and recommendations to help you improve.

Exam Prep in phone

How it works

Unmatched accuracy for Year 12 Success

Multiple choice and written answers

Includes not only multiple choice questions but also written questions that allow you to practise your writing and analytical skills.

Multiple choice and written answers


Study your own way

Build your own exams or generate multiple-choice to revise concepts.

Study your own way


Track Performance

Take Zookal Exam Prep with you with a mobile optimised practise experience

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Study on the go

Practise makes perfect. Keep track of your results and see your progress.

Track Performance

Boost Your Exam Preparation with Zookal Genius™

Our proprietary AI engine automatically generates syllabus-aligned content, so you can focus on practising.

Step 1 📃

The syllabus, example past papers, marking guidelines, expert insights, and more are analysed for your exam.

Multiple choice and written answers

Step 2 🧠

Zookal Genius™ gets to work and digests all of this information.

Study your own way

Step 3 🪄

Exam-like questions are generated just for you including stunning support material such as visuals, graphs, diagrams, and more

Track Performance

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High School Certificate



Victorian Certificate of Education

Reviewed and approved by Exam Markers & Subject Matter Experts

The content quality of Exam Prep is assessed and rigorously reviewed by dozens of exam experts who understand what you need to ensure consistency and relevance for your exam. Study with confidence.


Preparing for an upcoming exam?

Join thousands of successful students. Access grade-boosting tips and revision tricks to maximise your final score.


Students love Exam Prep

I think Zookal Exam Prep is a very helpful and easy-to-use study tool for students. I would recommend Zookal to friends or relatives, it looks like a highly practical, and detailed approach to studying, especially the practise exams which are super helpful when preparing for HSC exams.


Ieva completed her HSC in 2022 with 🌟 75.45 ATAR

Earning a 99.75 ATAR in my HSC provided me with the insight to immediately understand the significance of Zookal's new tool. I was enthusiastic about taking part in the content curation process to ensure it was highly relevant and beneficial for students.I wish I had this available when I was studying for my HSC!

Omar A.

Omar A. graduated in 2020 with 🌟 99.75 ATAR. He’s a currently studying Medicine student at the University of Sydney.

I've been reviewing Zookal's VCE Exam Prep practise questions, and I'm genuinely impressed. Having been through the VCE grind, and seeing how Zookal uses AI to make exam-like questions has been an eye-opener. The questions are spot on with the VCE curriculum, and the instant feedback is a game changer for students looking to progress.

David M.

David M. graduated in 2020 with 🌟 97.70 ATAR. He's currently studying biomedicine at the University of Melbourne.

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Access step-by-step solutions to over 3 million questions, answered by expert tutors and tailored to students like you.

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