Make your own flashcards for free

Study with your own flashcards online or find expert flashcards and start practicing in seconds.

Make your own flashcards for free

Master any subject with Zookal’s Flashcard maker

Embrace a new way of learning with Zookal's free online flashcard maker. It makes creating, editing, and managing flashcards a breeze, giving you a handy tool to boost your memory and understanding.

With flashcards, you can reinforce key concepts and excel in your exams.

Master any subject


Why Flashcards?

Active recall

Active recall

Flashcards help your brain during study time. They make your memory stronger, so it's easier to remember things later.

Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition

Flashcards use a method called spaced repetition. This helps you learn more effectively and remember things longer.

Custom learning

Custom learning

You can tailor flashcards to your learning style and update them as your understanding evolves. This makes them versatile for any subject.

Find Flashcards

You can easily find online flashcards made by other students. Or, if you prefer, use our verified decks that experts have put together. Whatever subject you're studying, we've got options for you.

Create Flashcards

Create Flashcards

Take control of your learning by creating your own flashcards.

With Zookal Flashcards free flashcard maker, you can customise your study materials to fit your personal learning style and needs.

Add images your flashcards to make them more engaging and effective. Start creating your personalised flashcards today!

Study with flashcards

Repeat practice leads to mastery!

Take your flashcards with you and review them anytime, anywhere. Use spaced repetition to help remember things better. And with our easy-to-use shortcuts, your study time will be a breeze and super effective.

Study with Flashcards

Explore flashcards by subject

From high school to university, we cover all subjects and topics including:


We’ve answered your most

frequently asked questions

Yes, Zookal Flashcards is completely free. You can create, edit, and study flashcards without any hidden costs or premium features locked behind a paywall.

Absolutely! You can access Zookal Flashcards on any device or web browser, making it easy to study on the go.

Creating cards with Zookal Flashcards is simple and straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. Click on the "Create Flashcards" button on this page.

  2. Enter the text for the front and back of the flashcard. You can also add images to make your flashcards more engaging.

  3. Click "+" once you're done, and you can add more cards to your deck.

  4. You can create as many flashcards as you need. When you're finished, you can start studying right away or save your deck for later.

Remember, you can access and edit your flashcards anytime, anywhere. Happy studying!

Yes, you can easily share your flashcards with classmates, friends, or teachers. Simply, create your free account to get started and share the URL of your decks with your friends. Learning is more fun when it’s done together!

Yes! You can enhance your flashcards with text and images, tailoring them to your unique learning style. While direct audio input isn't available, our platform offers a feature that reads the text content of your flashcards aloud, providing an auditory learning experience during your practice sessions.

Yes, you can search through thousands of flashcards created by other students or explore our verified decks crafted by subject-matter experts.

You can create flashcards for any subject you're studying. Whether it's languages, science, math, or humanities, Zookal Flashcards has got you covered.

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